Welcome to America’s Kansas City Wide, an International network of Amateur Radio digital repeaters. Digital access to America’s Kansas City Wide digital network is available from anywhere in the world via Yaesu Wires-X, YSF, ICOM D-Star, and DMR.
A list of VHF/UHF repeaters that carry Kansas City Wide is available HERE and can be accessed directly via their input frequencies, or via multiple internet methods:
- Yaesu Wires-X Room 28054 (AMERICA-KC-WIDE)
- Icom D-STAR via XLX458/XRF458 Module A
- Brandmeister DMR talkgroup 313136
- P25 Reflector 31313 (URL p25.ddns.me, port 41002)
- YSF32453 (US-KCWIDE) (No M1KE users, please)
- YSF28054 (XLX458) (M1KE users connect here)
- Echolink node WØFH-L
- Hamshack Hotline extension 94077
- Broadcastify (listen only) https://www.broadcastify.com/webPlayer/30282
Our linked repeater coverages overlap, providing some redundancy in the case of power failure or emergency, and aiding lower power stations access across the area.
PLEASE! Make sure you have your valid callsign programmed into the panel of your Yaesu Fusion radio! Invalid callsigns will prevent you from being heard in large portions of the room. In some cases, you may find your radio blocked from the room completely.
When using Kansas City Wide, your Fusion radio must be in DN mode. VW mode will not be sent to any of the bridged networks (YSF, DMR, DStar, etc.).
When accessing local repeaters, please refer to the Kansas City Wide Repeater Map to select the repeater closest to you.
We email a NEWSLETTER to our users occasionally. If you are not already getting it, just send an email to kcwide-join@mailman.qth.net. Put SUBSCRIBE in the subject, or Mr. Google will call it spam and won’t deliver it. We promise NOT to use your email for any other purpose, or to share it with anyone else. Unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of each email.
Kansas City Wide is made possible by the support of local amateur radio clubs, and individuals working together to build a robust and reliable repeater network across the entire greater Kansas City area. Working together, we continue to grow!
No Fusion radio? Listen to the Kansas City Wide room on any PC or mobile phone via Broadcastify. Note that the Broadcastify feed can be anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes delayed. Stations connecting to Kansas City Wide via Echolink will not be heard on Broadcastify.
Just click on the Broadcastify ink below to open the Broadcastify player in a new window.