A Call To Arms
The Kansas City Wide (KCW) room needs a few Good Hams to assist the KCW room by being
QSO Hosts. Ain’t nuthin’ to it! This would entail answering calls put out in the Room. Most of us put out our call with the hope that someone will answer. There are times when this just doesn’t happen and disappointment is the result – all the more so for new hams.
You put your call out there and …. silence. How many times has this happened to you?
A proposal was made to identify KCW users who would serve as QSO Hosts by taking a time slot and just being in the room if someone makes a call and is not answered by another ham. All the QSO Host does is answer and make the contact. You might have to answer a ham you don’t know, but then we do that a lot as hams . . .
The idea is to help radio be more funner (as the kids would say) and more satisfying. What this means for Ye Olde Hams and the new guys and gals is that you will have someone to make contacts with. For you new hams, experience is not required; you can learn as you go. This is a great way to get that new call sign out there. Maybe an hour or two or four just to answer calls if no one else answers up. Maybe coverage would be a few times a week, the idea is not for 24/7 coverage. If you can’t fill your shift, you could ask someone else to step in or just let that time slot lapse. No worries about vacations, etc. This is a low pressure, fun program designed to further the hobby that you already enjoy. Also, mobile is good too, perhaps you are going to a job site or running errands. Working at home?
You too can be an asset to ham radio in the KCW room. The details of this program are under development and any schedule will be flexible so don’t worry about juggling times you might be available.
The KCW room is a marvelous nexus of machines and technology; you can be a part of the magic that holds it all together, all you have to do is “Answer The Call.”
If you have interest in or want to volunteer, please drop an email to Dave,
K0DVP (k0dvpdave@gmail.com) or Al, K0IMP (arawitch@kumc.edu) “cc” us both for FAST action. Feel free to give preferred days and times of the week.
Did I mention there will be super cool T-Shirts for QSO Hosts if enough people sign up?
……Don’t be that Ham who does not sign up and causes none of us to get the T-shirts………
Dave, K0DVP